raised: $181,925
Help over 700 Chashuve Yerushalmi families make Yom Tov
Harav Gamliel Rabinowitz Shlit"a

You are fortunate that you have merited to be the emissaries of Hashem, to take the zchus in the mitzvah of tzedakah, for poor Talmidei Chachamim that toil in Torah with bare necessities, on an unimaginable level of devotion to Torah and Mitzvos while it is hard for them even to bring bread for their children.
These are talmidei chachamim that the world stands on, that are living in extreme poverty.
Baruch Hashem, in our neighborhood we have a group of local trustworthy individuals, that took upon themselves to worry for these families and to assist them in every way possible. We know these gabaim and that all their activities are all lshem shamayim .
It is a tremendous zchus to help them and to take part in this great mitzvah and fortunate is the one that will stand with these chashuve askanim.
In this zchus may you all be blessed with all good, and Hashem should grant you all your heart’s desires, and you will merit nachas from your families, with health and great hashpaah.
HaRav Gamliel Hakohen Rabinovitch
Harav Moshe Elyashiv
HaRav Ahron Fisher
HaRav Yitzchak Soloveitchik